Your company logo will appear on the IHE event page
and there will be a link to your website.
"Green Leaf Package" 
Your company logo will appear on the IHE event page, there will be a link to your website PLUS the opportunity to upload your sales material (2 pdf's)
and (2) sales material photos.
“Full Bloom Package” 
Your company logo will appear on the IHE event page, there will be a link to your website, the opportunity to upload your sales
material (2 pdf's) and (2) sales material photos AND
you can set up meet and greets with attendees!
As a full-bloom sponsor, you will have the opportunity to have a live ZOOM feed in a private room for all day or any hours you select during IHE. Simply decide which of your team members will staff the room and let us know the hours you would like to have the room active and we do the rest! This is another way IHE is assisting you to connect virtually during the conference with your customers.
Sponsorship form IHE 2021