For membership application

Please email us at Or 

Membership Descriptions:

 An Active Member ($375/yr)
Actively and legally engaged in nursery business within the state of Idaho.
 An Associate Member ($375/yr) Non-voting, actively and legally engaged in nursery related business outside the state of Idaho.
An Affiliate Member
Membership for secondary locations of Active or Associate Members. Must be an active or associate member to add an affiliate. 
 A Friend of Horticulture ($100/yr) City and state government entities, students, industry employees, and master gardeners.
 Educational Members* Non-voting member and may include representatives of colleges, universities, technical programs, and other interested parties who are devoted to horticulture education and are not actively engaged in the Green Industry trade for profit. 
*At this time there will be no charge for educational membership in the INLA.

Idaho Nursery & Landscape Association

13601 W McMillian Rd, Ste 102 #252
Boise, ID 83713

(208) 985-3939

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software
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